Good morning class. DZ01 has not long dropped in Japan, and within that set is one boss unit that has me really excited to play Standard - Krysrain. The deck is honestly really fun, but people are showing concerns about the deck, so I decided to make this blog post covering the deck as a whole, to help ease those concerns. So without further ado, let's get started!

Rideline Discussion
So in the Rideline section we are going to look at all parts of the rideline, not just the grade 3. I will also discuss an older rideline option that has been teched into other decks, that can also work here as well. So let’s start off with the Grade 1 from Krysrain’s rideline in Lively Navy, Tiphaine.
Now this is an interesting card as not only is it a guaranteed plus one, but it has the benefits that you are not losing out if its a non normal unit card, such as a trigger or order, especially seeing as adding orders into decks has been more popular lately due to the addition of "One Night Witch, Strega" in Lyrical 4 Trick or Trick. This is one of the slower ridelines however, as it needs to be rode upon to get the effect, but it’s why in turn it allows a grade 2 to be part of the selection, due to us then being on grade 2. Talking of riding upon Tilphaine , let’s discuss the Grade 2 of Khrysrain's rideline, Confident Aqua, Musette.
So Musette is nearly the same as Tiphane, but instead of calling a grade 2 or less normal unit, she now changes the grade to be 3 instead, which again makes sense due to the fact it works when rode upon, making your Vanguard grade 3 at the time. This becomes even more interesting though, as the Grade 3s that can combo off with this card, such as "Capprico of Circulating Star, Ingrid", lead to both interesting combos and powerful skills.
So having the designated rideline be a guaranteed +2 is really good for the deck, but some people do not like the fact that it randomly reveals off the top of the deck to generate the advantage, and instead would rather go for other ridelines. So I am now going to cover the ever popular ride line which has seen usage in a range of other decks, Wilista.
So what the Wilista rideline provides is an actual compression of the deck when "Proof of Hard Work, Wilista" is rode upon, as will allow you to search your deck for a Gem card. It does cost you a card from hand to do this search, but It does go into soul however, allowing to be counted a resource generation. Due to it costing a card though, this doesnt actually generate an advantage, more of a +/- 0. "Expanding World, Wilista" however, does create an advantage, as it’s a straight up draw 1 just for activating the Gem Card you searched off of "Proof of Hard Work, Wilista", and for no cost on top of that.
As for the options of Gem cards to add, there are 3 of them, all of which are order cards, but the common option that is used is "Crossing Illumirays", as it not only gives power to the Vanguard on activation, it also draws a card, all for no cost at all. On top of that, Crossing Illumirays also puts itself into soul, generating another resource for you to use, whilst also allowing the use of "One Night Witch, Strega" on turn 2, generating more deck compression and advantage. Doing this does require even more specific pieces being in hand, making the redraw options for the deck even more precise and can lead to having to put tough options into both soul and drop for costs for ride deck and Wilista’s skill, but sometimes the risk can be worth it.
Overall the options for the grade 1 and 2 are really good and creates a lot of variety in the deck, but for now, we do need to move onto covering the grade 3 within the ride deck and the focus of this post, Krysrain.
So Krysrain's first skill as a whole tells us a lot about the deck as a whole already. The deck rewards you for assembling multiple different named units to gain as many of the skills as possible. People would instantly assume that you need to build it highlander style, like "Relation Weaver, Petralka", but honestly you can still run the deck as you usually would with 3-4 copies of all your cards and just choose specific units to call down to make the name range be reached. The first effect as a whole provides pressure whilst generating advantage at the same time, for such a minimal cost is really good for the deck. We are used to a single Counter Blast enabling a single draw from cards such as “Hoppin’ Stellar, Melty”, but this giving us an Energy Charge 3 on top shows that resource development is increasing, which is good for the game as a whole. It also leads us to feel that this deck focuses more on the strength of the Rear-guards that support rather than the Vanguard's pure power.
But then there is the Divine Skill on top, which enables Krysrain to become somewhat similar to the Ahsha's Flower Fairy from V-Premium, as the skill is nearly identical. This does get more interesting if Krysrain has the power of the overTrigger however, as it means you will end up with 2 swings of over 100 million. One thing to note with using the Divine Skill, is that if you are on a Persona Ride turn, the Rearguard you call to match the Vanguard’s power will not get the Persona Ride power on top, as it is naturally added as the unit is called before you would adjust the power to match. The Divine skill in this deck is better saved as a finishing move due to the power behind it, unlike decks like Welstra or Rezael, who prefer to use their skills earlier in the game as they are more setup based.
Overall, Krysrain is very interesting for how generic she is and has so much potential of variety in her lists. Talking of potential, let's look at some of the key cards that can support this deck.
Key Cards
So for the key cards section, I am mainly going to be looking at the cards that you will see in nearly every list of Krysrain, due to them being so important for the deck. And there is no better place to start, than her RRR support card from DZ01 in Innocent Orange, Annes.
So the first part of the effect is really good as it allows you to filter your deck of non triggers, whilst also getting to create a board without using extra cards from your hand. Cost may seem a little bit on the heavy side, but when we have Krysrain generating us 3 Energy every turn, and cards like Ingrid for Counter Charge, it can be well monitered in this deck. Second skill however, allows you to apply pressure on the Rearguard columns, as her being a 28k column with a basic 8k booster forces a fair few cards out of the opponent’s hand, due to hitting the magic number. Add on triggers and Persona Ride and you could be forcing out a lot more, which is good for Rear-guard pressure. But Annes is not the only good support that Krysrain directly got in the set, so let us move on to the next card in "Cynical Composer, Raum".
Now Raum is a really good booster for the deck, as not only does she reach 13k, she provides even more pressure when boosting the Vanguard. She is the first one of her kind in forcing the opponent to guard with 3 different grades, but does lead to some awkward situations. Due to the wording on Raum, you can only guard with 2 triggers if you are also putting 4 more cards down that are different grades, like a 0-1-2 and 0-2-3 grouping. So with a basic 0-1-2 beign the main guard pattern, the most you basically can reach without using the overtrigger or extra shield effects is 25k, which due to Krysrain gaining 15k from her own skill, it just isnt enough. This does lead to forcing out Perfect Guards a lot more, meaning that the end game can become even easier when using the Divine Skill and the opponent doesnt have enough Perfect Guards left. I will remind people, that using a Blitz order bypasses this skill as those do not get placed on the Guardian circle. Now to move onto our final key card, and it's another one from DZ01, "Dazzle Bubble Paradise, Precia".
So Precia is part of the new wave of Cycle cards that were introduced for all nations in DZ01, and honestly she does so much for the deck. Her first skill alone lets us dig deeper for our specific combo pieces that we want, and with the rate that we actually generate energy in this deck, it's not really a hinderance to pay some for her skill in the early turns. The second skill doesn't come up as much in this deck however, as we are normally saving our Divine Skill for a Persona ride turn, meaning that we are already self bouncing our full board making this effect obsolete, but having this card as a solid potential call target off the Divine Skill, to then have her use the second skill on herself to bounce back to hand and gain 5k Power can be useful in certain situations.
Overall, the key cards Krysrain gained in DZ01 really do help strenghten the deck as a whole. But its not only new cards that are useful, so let us look at some tech options from earlier sets that can also benefit this deck.
Tech Options
So there are a fair few tech options that this deck can utilise, due to how generic Krysrain is, so what I am going to do for this section is take a couple of small packages of cards and discuss them. The first one is a package focusing around supportive grade 3 cards.
So if you remember, we have mentioned "Capprico of Circulating Star, Ingrid" a few times already throughout this post, and rather than talk about her again, I am going to pull up an additional grade 3 that works in the deck instead, which is "Moon-nestling Fantasia, Adelheid". Now Adelheid is really good for the deck, as she allows us to return our Perfect Guards and Triggers back to hand when they have finished boosting. This works even better when said Perfect Guard was called from the top 5 cards by Annes, as it means we technically searched our deck for a Perfect Guard, which increases the already strong defense this deck has due to the draw power. adding on top of that that she can also be shield in hand when your opponent hits a trigger, helps the longevity of this deck. But what is the point of adding all these grade 3 cards if we cant search them outside of Annes?
Well that is where our next card comes in, in the form of a Regalis Piece order, "Forbidoll Surrogate". This card is really good as allows us to not only search our deck for the grade 3s we want to call, this also lets us recurr the ones that are in our Drop Zone. Not only that, this also allows us to activate Ingrid's skill to Counter Charge, as she was not placed from hand, which can be useful if the opponent starts to damage deny us. Being a card that can help rebuild our board in heavy retire match ups makes this an overall solid pick for those wanting to go for a grade 3 package within the deck. But that is not the only package that we can go for in Krysrain, so let us discuss another on in the form of an order package.
The first card in our package here is "Clear Shimmer, Aura" who is really good for the deck due to her ability to search orders. She does have the bonus of not being restricted to what kind of order she can grab, so is also able to grab Blitz orders, such as "Elementaria Sanctitude" for the Luard matchup. She is on hit reliant, but placing her behind the Vanguard in the early game gives a high chance that she will get to go off before you reach grade 3. Some good orders that she can search that help Krysrain are "Super Aesthetic Shot!" to give all of your Rear-guards a power boost, "Everlasting Sapphire" for if you want to give an extra buff to your Vanguard, or if you want to combine both packages, you can even search "Forbidoll Surrogate".
Going with this order package is nice as gives us the ability to compress further with "One Night Witch, Strega", but it then also gives us the counter charge option in "Opposing Kindness, Virginia" as an alternative to Ingrid for Counter Charge. The fact that all you need to do to have Virginia live is activate an order and then attack with her whilst boosted is so good, plus it's generating soul for you at the same time, so getting 2 resources for the price of one.
Overall the tech options that Krysrain can use is so massive that it is really good for the deck. There are more that I haven't listed here as there just too many, and only wanted to highlight a few that I've actively tested. Talking of testing, let's take a look at an example list that I have been working on.
Example List
So the main thing I want to stress here is that this is just an example of what I am currently testing, you do not have to copy my list card for card, as well as the fact I may make changes down the line as well. The deck is just so flexible that there really is no right or wrong answer.
Clicking the image will open it up in Decklog (new tab)
So as you can see from the example list above, Im using a lot of the cards that we have already discussed, but also have added in some good generics in on top, so let's discuss those cards a little bit more.
Grade 2s have for the most part been covered, so let us look at the only one we haven't talked about yet - "What Color is Your Wish, Valsheblan". Valsheblan does a lot for the deck as lets us dig even deeper in the early game to look for our combo pieces, whilst still allowing our attacks to scale even higher in the later Persona Ride turns, but on the Divine Skill turn, the interaction will be the same as Persona Ride, so wont add additional power to that attack. Running both Valsheblan and Precia allows us to run less copies of other cards, but more different options as we have such a higher chance to draw into them.
As for additional grade 1s, we have added in some nice options, but the main focus of the Grade 1s to talk about is going to be "Blue-haired Prodigy, Receus". This card, like Valsheblan, can be utilised in both the early game and the late game, as we can call this down in front of "Cooling Heart, Yuika" and give the power to either the Vanguard or Yuika, then utilise Yuika to bounce the Receus back to hand and reuse the skill on a later turn. Receus also combo's off really well with the Divine Skill turn, as that is more power that we can pass over to the Rear-guard that we end up calling.
The other grade 1 that plays really nicely into the attack patterns that Krysrain prefers is "Beware of Overeating! Eileen!". This is down to the fact that we like to swing in the pattern of Rear-guard --> Vanguard --> Rear-guard, so having Eileen boost the first Rear-guard swing allows us to check our top card for either triggers or key pieces we want in our hand, such as Persona Rides or Perfect Guards.
Overall Kyrsrain is a very fun and exciting deck, and I really hope this blog helped a few of you with options and opinions on this deck. But that's all from me, so I will see you in the next one!!!
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